85 Best Egg Pick Up Lines for 2024

Egg Pick Up Lines

Whether you’re a guy trying to impress that cute girl or just someone who enjoys humor and needs a little help breaking the ice socially, this list of egg pick up lines is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face.

I’ve curated some of the clever, hilarious, and even romantic pick up lines about eggs that are egg-stra sure to get laughter, bring people together, and have you ready to start a conversation.

Cheesy Egg Pick Up Lines

1. Are you a soft-boiled egg? Because you’ve got a soft exterior, but I know there’s a lot of depth to you inside.

2. If you were an egg, you’d be an organic because you’re naturally incredible.

3. You’re the egg to my soufflé – essential and lifting me up.

4. Are you an egg timer? Because my heart always looks forward to our moments together.

5. If our love was a carton of eggs, it would be a dozen – complete and perfect.

6. You must be egg-cited to meet me because I am feeling sunny-side up about you.

7. I’m like an egg separator – looking for someone special to keep the yolk of my heart.

8. If you’re looking for someone egg-straordinary, then your search is over.

9. You remind me of an egg sunny side up – bright, warm, and positively uplifting.

10. I’m not eggspert, but I think we might just be egg-cellent together.

Funny Egg Pick Up Lines

1. You must be an egg yolk because running into you has enriched my day.

2. If we were both eggs, would you let me be the one to whisk you away?

3. Are you an egg flip? Because your presence has a way of wonderfully turning things upside down for me.

4. You’re like the perfect omelette: a mix of fun, flavor, and finesse.

5. I’m not a chef, but if I were, I’d whip up a soufflé to rise to your standards.

6. Are you a fried egg? Because you’re sizzling hot.

7. You’re like an egg in a carton – one of a dozen but the only one that caught my eye.

8. I think we’re like two eggs in a pan – we just sizzle when we’re together.

9. If our conversation was an egg, it’d be over easy because talking to you is so smooth.

10. I’d never play an egg toss with your heart; I’d be too afraid to break it.

11. If I were a chef, you’d be my secret ingredient – adding spice to every egg dish.

Cute Egg Pick Up Lines

1. Are you a tamagoyaki? Because you’ve rolled your way into my heart with layers of sweetness

2. You must be an egg at a French bakery because you’re vital in making everything rise to perfection.

3. You’re like a perfectly aged eggnog – sweet, creamy, and worth the wait.

4. If I were a spoon in a cup of soft-boiled egg, I’d always want to touch your heart gently.

5.  Like a delicate eggshell, your presence is fascinating and something I want to handle with care.

6. You must be an egg in a bento box – a small yet crucial element that enhances the entire experience.

7. If I were an egg in a Korean Bibimbap, I’d want to be mixed up with someone as vibrant as you.

8. You’re like the egg in Carbonara – not just an ingredient, but the heart of the recipe.

9. Like a perfect coddled egg, you have a way of making me feel warm and cared for.

10. If you were an egg in an English fry-up, you’d be the sunny spot in my morning.

Egg Roll Pick Up Lines

1. Are you an egg roll? Because every bite reveals a new mix of flavors as delightful as discovering new sides of you.

2. You must be the filling to my egg roll, perfectly spiced and impossible to resist.

3. Is your name Egg Roll? Because you’ve got me on a roll with these feelings.

4. If we were in a Chinese restaurant, I’d pick you over egg rolls, and that’s saying something.

5. I must be an egg roll because I’m falling apart without your sweet and sour sauce.

6. If I were a dipping sauce, would you be my egg roll, ready to dive in?

7. You’re like a homemade egg roll, one-of-a-kind and full of goodness.

8. I think you and I are like egg rolls and soy sauce – better together.

9. If flirting was a dish, I’d serve it as an egg roll – wrapped up neatly with a hint of spice.

10. You’re like the crispy exterior of an egg roll – intriguing on the outside and richly layered.

Egg Yolk Pick Up Lines

1. You’re the yolk to my egg white – indispensable and making everything complete.

2. Like a yolk in a poached egg, you keep an air of mystery and appeal, no matter the setting.

3. You’re the yolk of my egg – without you, it’s just shell and white, lacking the best part

4. If you were an egg yolk, I’d want to be the white, always surrounding and supporting you.

5. You must be an egg yolk because being with you is like getting the perfect bite every time.

6. Are you an egg yolk? Because you’re the core of my happiness and rich in every way.

7. If my heart was an egg, you’d be the yolk – the best and most colorful part.

8. If love was a breakfast, you’d be the egg yolk – the golden, heartwarming part

9. You’re like an egg yolk in a hollandaise sauce – smooth, rich, and impossible to forget.

10. Just like an egg yolk, you’re essential for binding everything together in my life.

11. If I were a piece of toast, I’d want you as my egg yolk so I can soak up every ounce of your enchanting character.

12. You must be an egg yolk because you’ve got a way of enriching everything you touch.

Scrambled Eggs Pick Up Lines

1. Are you scrambled eggs? Because meeting you has mixed up my feelings in the best way possible.

2. If you were a breakfast dish, you’d be scrambled eggs because you make my mornings brighter and better.

3. You must be scrambled eggs because you’ve got me feeling all fluffy and warm inside.

4. If my heart were a pan, it would always want to cook up some scrambled eggs with you.

5. I’m like scrambled eggs without salt – incomplete until you spice up my life.

6. You’re the cheese to my scrambled eggs – bringing a unique flavor to every minute we share.

7. You must be scrambled eggs because every time I see you, I feel a stir in my heart.

8. If life is a skillet, then you’re the scrambled eggs – you turn the ordinary into extraordinary just by being there.

9. You’ve scrambled my logic in the best way as eggs whisked to perfection.

10. Meeting you is like the first bite of scrambled eggs on a Sunday morning – simply unforgettable.

Good Egg Pickup Lines

1. Are you a farm-fresh egg? Because you’re all-natural and genuinely good.

2. If our love was a carton of eggs, it’d be free-range – natural and boundless.

3. If I were an egg, I’d want to be cracked by you to reveal the true potential inside.

4. You’re like an egg in a breakfast sandwich – the key ingredient that holds it all together.

5. Are you a boiled egg? Because you’ve got layers, and I want to get to your heart.

6. If you were an egg, I’d be the whisk – constantly stirring things up with you.

7. You’re like a poached egg – delicate and perfectly formed.

8. You must be an egg because you’ve got a shell that intrigues and a heart that’s pure gold.

9. Like an egg in a chef’s hat, you add finesse and flavor to my life.

10. Just like a perfect egg, you’ve got a way of making every moment sunny-side up.

Egg Pick-up Lines for Him

1. If you were an egg dish, you’d be Eggs Benedict – sophisticated and always impressive.

2. You’re like an egg white – strong, reliable, and the perfect foundation for something great.

3. If love was a breakfast menu, you’d be the scalloped eggs: perfectly cooked and irresistible.

4. Are you an egg timer? Because you always know the exact moment to make my heart melt.

5. Are you a hard-boiled egg? Because you’ve got a tough exterior, but I bet you’re really soft on the inside.

6. If we were eggs in a carton, I’d be the one right next to you – a perfect pair.

7. You must be a deviled egg – a classic, seasoned ideally to add excitement to life.

8. You’re like a quiche, complex and layered, and every layer is just as interesting as the last.

9. You’re like the perfect egg wash on a pastry – giving that extra shine and appeal daily.

10. Are you a frittata? Because you blend all the best parts together into something truly special.

11. Are you a sous vide egg? Because you’ve got precision and depth that’s unparalleled.

12. If you were an egg dish, you’d be a shakshuka – exotic and slightly spicy.


The best approach for using egg pick up lines is to keep them light and jocular.

Choose lines that showcase your wit and charm without making people uncomfortable. If you can crack an egg line and get someone’s number, you’re on the right track.

I welcome everyone to share their favorite egg related pick up lines in the comments below.

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